Aloe Vera in Ayurveda: The Miraculous Herb for Skin, Hair, and Overall Health


Aloe vera is a plant with antioxidant and antiseptic properties. It is known for its benefits for hair and skin health, but it can also help with irregular periods, improve the immune system, and be used as a laxative.

Here are some Ayurvedic tips utilizing aloe vera.

  • Treating dark spots
    Blend aloe vera pulp with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Applied the mixture over the face.
  • Treating burn and sunburn
    Apply aloe vera gel over the injured area.
  • Body cleansing
    Drink 5-10ml of aloe vera juice daily.
  • Hair conditioning and hair growth
    Massage the scalp with aloe vera gel. Leave it for 30 minutes then rinse.
  • Laxative
    Drink 10-15ml of aloe vera extract.
  • Immunity
    Mix 1-2 teaspoons of aloe vera juice and 2 teaspoons of honey into a glass of water
  • Treating irregular periods
    Mix 3 grams of aloe vera with 2 grams of honey. Consume this daily before breakfast for 3 months.


Aparna K. BAMS, MD, PhD

Aparna is one of the few specialists worldwide with a PhD in Ayurveda. Born into an Ayurvedic family which operates a traditional Ayurvedic Panchakarma hospital in Kerala, India, she grew up observing her father, the renowned Dr Padmanabhan.


  • Adrian Cham

    Dear Dr Aparna

    Many sources say that the aloin in aloe vera is bad for the kidneys. Does that mean that aloe vera, if used as a laxative, must be done very carefully? I have Avalon Aloe Vera Multi Detox capsules.

    Thanks for your advice.


    • Dr. Aparna

      Aloin, or Aloe Latex is a thin yellow fluid or sap you find when you cut the aloe vera. We generally remove the skin and latex part and clean it with water and only use the transparent parts.

      I’m not sure about Avalon Aloe Vera multi-detox capsules, I hope they are truly removing the skin and latex.

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